Laapataa Ladies has been finalised as India’s official submission to the Oscars 2025. The selection was announced by the Film Federation of India (FFI) earlier this week and it continues to make headlines across the country. To celebrate the official entry for the Academy Award for Best International Feature Film, popular dairy brand Amul released a special topical. The illustration depicts the two female leads of the film, with an Oscars statue in between them. Buttered bread slices are placed in front of them and they are also seen holding up butter while looking towards each other.

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The text on top reads, “Never Laapataa [missing] in bread,” making a reference to Amul’s famous butter. The brand also incorporated the other word of the movie’s title in its topical. The text at the bottom reads, “Amul. Ladies love it.” In the caption, the brand wrote, “#Amul Topical: Popular movie becomes India’s Foreign Film entry at Oscars 2025!”

Netflix India’s official Instagram page reacted to the post in the comments with a bit of wordplay. It wrote, “A buttery toast to a beauti-phool cast.” Check out the topical below:

Before this, Amul had shared a topical about the controversy surrounding the sale of tickets for Coldplay’s much-awaited India concert. Innumerable fans of the British band were left in dismay after the passes were sold out in no time. There were two instances of wordplay in Amul’s topical. The text on top of the illustration read, “Fans left in the COLD”. The text at the bottom contained a reference to one of the band’s most popular songs. Click here to read the full story.

Also Read:Amul Shares Topical To Celebrate Anasuya Sengupta’s Win At Cannes Film Festival 2024