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Tinospora cordifolia, also known as heart-leaved moonseed, Guduchi, or Giloy, is a herbaceous vine native to the Indian subcontinent. It’s been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries to treat a variety of conditions, including

Fever, Jaundice, Chronic diarrhea, Cancer, Dysentery, Bone fracture, Pain, Asthma, Skin disease, Poisonous insect, Snake bite, Eye disorders. 

Some say it’s beneficial for liver conditions like jaundice, sepsis, and diabetes. It’s also said to be effective for blood purification and skin-related problems

Tinospora cordifolia has many potential medical uses, including: 

Anti-diabetic, Anti-periodic, Antispasmodic, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-arthritic, Antioxidant, Anti-allergic, Anti-stress, Leprotic-preventive, Anti-malarial. 

According to Drugs.com, limited clinical studies have shown few adverse reactions to Tinospora. Some reported GI symptoms include anorexia, nausea, and vomiting. However, no toxicity has been observed at Ayurvedic therapeutic doses. 

Ayurveda says Giloy can be consumed in powdered form, as a decoction, or as juice. It’s also available in capsules and readymade powder. Giloy can also be applied topically as a paste for skin problems

Tinospora cordifolia has an importance in traditional ayurvedic medicine used for ages in the treatment of fever, jaundice, chronic diarrhea, cancer, dysentery, bone fracture, pain, asthuma, skin disease, poisonous insect, snake bite, eye disorders.

Giloy is also used for liver diseases, urinary tract infections, and heart-related issues. How to use – Take 2-3 teaspoons of Giloy juice. Add the same quantity of water to it and mix it. Drink it preferably before meals once or twice a day to boost your immunity.

Potent in improving the skin’s complexion, Giloy can offer rejuvenating effects on your skin. All you need to do is make a fine paste of Giloy leaves or stem and apply a thick layer on your facial skin. Wash it off after 20 minutes and your skin will thank you for it.

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