Have you been waking up tired lately? Do you feel lack of energy all throughout the day? It is because of a disturbed sleep at night. A good night sleep is much important to relax your body, rejuvenate and re-energise to stay active the next morning. And to achieve that, many of us follow various tricks to calm down our mind and body at night. While some resort to light physical exercise, others take a bath and do a proper skin care routine. And then there are people who try following different types of diet rituals to sleep well. While each might have their preferences, we got you simple tip that can help you sleep tight throughout the night. All you need to do is prepare a simple drink with black raisin and saffron and gulp. That’s it. This diet tip has been shared by nutritionist Lovneet Batra on her official Instagram handle. Let’s elucidate further.

Why A Bedtime Ritual Is Important?

As mentioned, you will find most of the people having their particular bedtime rituals. Ever wondered why they do the same thing every night before hitting the bed? According to sleep.com, a ritual helps you prepare your body clock to act according to your needs. In fact, it has close ties with your circadian rhythm and helps lower overall stress in the body.

The report by sleep.com further states that sticking to a set bedtime ritual not only helps send signals to your brain but also aids metabolism, digestion and overall health.

Also Read: Exclusive Interview With Luke Coutinho On How Mindful Eating Habits Can Enhance Sleep Quality

Why Black Raisin And Saffron Water Makes For A Good Bed-Time Drink?

Black raisin, the melatonin booster: It contains a good amount of melatonin, the hormone responsible for regulating the sleep-wake cycle. Besides, black raisin also helps improve digestion and manage blood sugar levels. These factors help promote a more restful and uninterrupted sleep.

Saffron, the sleep enhancer:Saffron is a potent source of antioxidants that may help boost the concentration of sleep hormones and neutralise harmful molecules that impact your stress levels in the body. It also helps lower the symptoms of restlessness and allows you to achieve restorative sleep.

How To Include Black Raisin And Saffron Water In Your Diet?

According to Nutritionist Lovneet Batra, you need to some black raisins and a few strands of saffron in a glass of water and let it sit for four to six hours. Then drink the water, along with raisin and saffron, an hour before hitting the bed. That’s it!

Watch the detailed post below:

Also Read: 5 Foods To Avoid Before Bedtime

Have a good night sleep, dear reader!

About Somdatta SahaExplorer- this is what Somdatta likes to call herself. Be it in terms of food, people or places, all she craves for is to know the unknown. A simple aglio olio pasta or daal-chawal and a good movie can make her day.