Have you ever thought there was a pattern to your sugar cravings? There could be. Sugar cravings are not always random, especially if you experience them every day. Further, if your sugar craving often strikes in the afternoon or early evening (a couple of hours after your lunch), you are not alone. Many people have busy mornings with work and may not experience any cravings in the first half of the day. But when it comes to the afternoon or early evening, they feel the desire to eat something sweet, even if they are not hungry. Why? The reasons could be many. Let’s understand some common patterns.

Here Are 4 Reasons Why You Have Afternoon Sugar Cravings:

1. Blood Sugar Drop

According to health experts, our blood sugar levels drop as more time passes from lunch. A decrease in blood sugar levels can make you feel the need for something with sugar to get a rise in energy. However, immediately eating something sweet, especially made using processed sugar, may only offer a temporary energy spike and also increase your sugar intake.

2. ‘Tea Time’ Snacking Habit

According to Integrative Nutrition Health Coach Leisa, if you have a habit of eating something sweet in the afternoon, you are likely to crave it every day. Whether it is a habit of eating some biscuits with tea in the late afternoon or a habit of eating a sweet snack after work, it can be difficult for you to manage your sugar cravings if you do not break your patterns.

3. Poorly Planned Breakfast And/Or Lunch

Skipping breakfast and eating a tiny lunch will dive your body into sugar cravings. According to the Cleveland Clinic, “If you go too long without eating, your body will crave the fastest fuel it can think of – refined grains and simple sugars.”
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4. Lack Of Sleep

According to research, sleep deprivation plays a significant role in how your brain thinks about food and manages cravings. When people feel tired, they crave a pick-me-up which often ends up being something full of sugar.

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Here Are 3 Ways To Combat Afternoon Sugar Cravings:

1. Snack Mindfully

Just like you eat your breakfast, lunch and dinner, afternoon or early evening snacking is completely fine too, as long as you are eating healthy. Choose healthier snacks like fruits, cheese, dates, nuts, yogurt etc. instead of packaged sweet treats like cakes and cookies. 

2. Drink Plenty Of Water

Did you drink enough water throughout the day? According to the Cleveland Clinic, research suggests that mistaking dehydration for hunger may trigger cravings as well. So make sure you drink plenty of water throughout the day. For tips to increase your water intake, click here.

3. Take A Walk

Many times, sugar cravings can kick in the afternoon when you are feeling bored, exhausted or stressed. Instead of fetching a sweet snack to lift your spirits, choose healthier alternatives. One simple and effective way is to go for a walk. According to WebMD, walking can help take your mind off the craving and help you feel good again. 
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Follow these tips and you will be able to better manage your daily afternoon sugar cravings.

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.